In July 2024, I organised a special event—a group breastfeeding photoshoot at National Trust Croome Court. My goal was to have the photoshoot in time for Breastfeeding Awareness Week, held from the 1st to the 7th of August 2024.

23 mums and 20 children gathered to celebrate the beauty, joy, and naturalness of breastfeeding, but it was also a day filled with togetherness, connection, and empowerment. We shared stories, hugged, cried and laughed. The whole experience was beautiful and very moving. I was joined by mums I'd never met before, my friends, past clients, and fellow business owners. I'll never forget this.
This has been a dream of mine since starting my business. Breastfeeding is something very close to my heart, as I breastfed my own son (which I loved more than I ever imagined). I’m also a breastfeeding volunteer for the NHS.
For me breastfeeding was about a special bond I had with my boy and no one else had, about the love and pride I felt. It was also free and convenient and I could easily continue with my nature adventures, camping and even a 3 day train trip across Europe. I’m so happy I was able to give my boy the best possible start in life and feel this incredible connection and love at the same time.
There on the blankets under beautiful trees in the shade we and a safe space to share our journeys. Every story was different. Mums talked about their determination and struggles, as well as joys and beautiful moments. Some mums had easy starts while some couldn’t breastfeed their first babies but succeeded with their second, some had huge challenges and there were mums who suffered from postnatal depression.
There were 19 breast-feeding mums and 20 children. The youngest baby at the breastfeeding event was 8 weeks old, and the oldest was 2.5 years! We had a mum who was tandem feeding both a toddler and an infant, as well as a pregnant mum feeding her toddler.

Who joined me at NT Croome apart from the breastfeeding mums and their children?
I invited 3 incredible women and mothers themselves who made the day even more special:
💜Zoe Maecham
A mum and baby yoga instructor and hypnobirthing teacher, led us through a sharing circle where we all explained what breastfeeding meant to us. I had shared this dream with Zoe last year and couldn't imagine doing it without her. Zoe also guided us through meditation, connecting us to the headspace as we fed our babies. She emphasised the heart centre, describing breastfeeding as a physical expression of love, or "liquid love," coming through in the form of milk.
Zoe’s BLOG about the photoshoot:
Zoe’s website:
💜Becky Davenport
An infant feeding specialist midwife, lactation consultant, and tongue-tie practitioner, whom I met through my volunteering work. She was there to answer questions and remind the mums that they are doing an incredible job and should be proud of how far they've come in their breastfeeding journeys.
Becky’s website:
💜Vanda Szabo
Vanda is a personal branding photographer, captured the behind-the-scenes moments to commemorate the day. I don’t think I’d be in a single photo if it wasn’t for her (photographer's life!). She had great suggestions as always and took some stunning photos you can see in this post.
Vanda’s website@
Left photo from the left Becky, me and Zoe. Right photo me and Vanda.
The story about the breastfeeding photoshoot at NT Croome Court.
While building my portfolio 2 years ago, I came across a group breastfeeding photoshoot done by photographers in another country. I thought, "Wow, I’d love to be part of something like this as a breastfeeding mother." But I couldn’t find anyone organising it here. As a wannabe pro photographer, I also knew I wanted to do it myself one day! It was a distant dream.
Back in May 2023 I had only just had my first client and about 10% of the confidence I have now. It was never going to happen that year. I shared my dream with Zoe in December, and she offered to help me find the mums. Initially, I imagined a small gathering of about 10 mums and their babies in a field. But those who know me well know that my little ideas usually turn into something much BIGGER and complicated.
I felt 2024 was the year to make it happen. I marked Breastfeeding Awareness Week on my calendar. But I was nervous to begin for so many reasons. Organising such a big photoshoot on my own was daunting, especially so early in my business. I was waiting for a sign from the universe, knowing I had to get started soon to be ready for the BF Awareness Week.
That sign came when I was at my stand at the Mum2Mum market in June. Aimee (Worcester Mums Coffee Club) and her dear friend Bec came up to say hello. I had followed and loved Aimee’s classes and was disappointed that I discovered them too late for my boy to join. We had never met in person before, just supported each other on IG. As we chatted and the topic of breastfeeding came up, I shared my dream of doing a breastfeeding photoshoot. Both of them said, “We would love to be part of it—do it!” And so I did it!
What started as a small idea turned into an event at National Trust Croome (thank you to Zoe Meachem Yoga for putting us in touch) with 19 mums, a pre/post natal yoga and hypnobirthing teacher, an infant feeding specialist midwife, and a behind the scenes photographer.
How long did it take to organize the breastfeeding photoshoot and process all the photos?
I spent between 35 and 40 hours on the breastfeeding project.
I spent over 10 hours selecting and editing the photos. I use both PS and LR. Editing is crucial and a big part of my unique style. I enjoy it, continue to learn, and take pride in my editing skills and results. I wanted to do my best for every mum I photographed, not just take awesome group photos.
Each mum received fully edited photos in colour and a few in black and white. I'm a huge fan of monochrome. Several mums have mentioned how lovely it was to receive some photos in b&w.
I know deep down that my attention to detail and going a bit further than expected is the right thing to do. Even if it takes so much longer than I'd like.
What did I remove from the photos?
👉 Stains, dirt and creases from clothes
👉 Marks on skin from straps and bras
👉 Scratches and marks from baby faces, bits of cradle caps
👉 Bruises from arms or legs, acne scars (I have loads, so I just do it without being asked)
👉 Sticking out hairs
👉 Watch tan lines
👉 People from the background
👉 Phones, clothes, and someone else's feet.
I also patched up a few grassy areas that were bare and brown.
Of course, I did the usual edits every photo requires, such as cropping, correcting highlights, adjusting light, shadows, exposure, sharpness, vibrance, or noise.
I did a few more things that will remain my secret.
I even created a brand new preset called 'breastfeeding'.
Advanced editing is part of my usual service and is reflected in my pricing. It took me many years to get to this point and I continue to learn.
Curious what else made up the 35-40hrs apart from the editing and the event itself?
✨I visited Croome twice before the event to meet with the lovely ladies handling it and to find the perfect shoot location. Both times my son came along.
✨I messaged each mum separately from start to finish, plus with all other mums who complimented my project but couldn't come and those who messaged too late.
✨Coordinated with Zoe, Becky, and Vanda.
✨I also had to write the longest agreement and model release form ever. That probably took me 5hrs. 🤣 I had to prepare each one separately with text boxes...
✨There were forms to fill out and an intro speech to write.
✨Preparations for the day (I brought three bags with me to the shoot, all of which sat in my son's pushchair!).
✨I sent 21 individual galleries to the participants.
✨An initial IG Story and Post took me 3 hours to create. 😆
Lessons and worries before, during and after the group photoshoot.
I was absolutely terrified about taking individual photos!😱
I knew I had to keep it to a few minutes per mum because I had 19 of them. As my husband pointed out, 5 minutes per mom x 19 moms equals 1.3 hours! Sometimes he's got a good point. This meant some mums would wait a long time to be photographed (thank you Cara for going last!). Would the babies be happy? Would the mums enjoy the company of other mums?
I didn't want to create a list and follow a pre-planned order. I decided to let the moms decide, as some children needed to nap soon, and some moms had to rush back to work or appointments. I didn't know how that would work in reality.
My usual sessions are super relaxed and take 2-3 hours! This was going to be super short and something I had never done before. In retrospect, it probably would have been good to have a watch with a timer. I still think though I did pretty well with time per mum all things considered!
I didn't want to photograph every mum in the same spot. It was nicer for them and better for my photography vision too. I had to think fast and get some variety in such a short time. When I saw the magnificent trees around the Rotunda and the lush grass with flowers, I knew they'd be perfect. It worked out beautifully! I'm so happy! ☺️
Breastfeeding was always the main goal, but would the children want to breastfeed when it came time?
I was wondering whether mums would be happy sitting on the grass. They all were, phew! One even laid down to breastfeed!
I knew I wanted to do close-up shots and shots from far away. Would my lens take sharp photos? I used one lens I usually use for landscape photography. I didn't want to carry two bodies and two different lenses as I normally would. I needed one lens that could do wide shots and close-ups, but that lens has its drawbacks. It did a fantastic job, phew!
I really wanted everyone to have a great time. Yes, it was a free event, but everyone came all this way and made the effort to be there, so I really wanted to do my best and for everything to work out. And it was a dream.
While I’m proud of myself for organising this special event and producing some incredibly beautiful photos, I do have one major regret—I didn’t get to chat with the mums as much as I’d hoped. Those couple of minutes during individual photos were lovely, but far too short! I didn’t get to hear the breastfeeding stories, learn more about those I don’t know personally, or properly catch up with those I’ve photographed or met before. I guess it was inevitable with so many people and me being the photographer.
Thank you, dear mums, for your cooperation, patience, and kind words about how I handled it all.

Breastfeeding Awareness week 2024 "Breastfeeding for all"
World Breastfeeding Week is supported by WHO, UNICEF and many Ministries of Health and civil society partners. The theme for 2024 was Closing the gap: Breastfeeding support for all.
The campaign this year celebrated breastfeeding mums in all their diversity, throughout their breastfeeding journeys, while showcasing the ways families, societies, communities and health workers can have the back of every breastfeeding mum.🧡🤱
Many women breastfeed, including myself, face challenges at the beginning of their breastfeeding journeys. Many decide not to breastfeed despite wanting to at first, or stop shortly after starting. All mothers WHO WANT TO breastfeed deserve support to help them feed their babies anytime anywhere.
A few words about breastfeeding.
Some mums choose NOT to breastfeed, and I respect that decision. As a friend, volunteer and business owner who interacts with pregnant women and new parents, I'm not here to change anyone's mind. My role is to provide information based on research and facts, rather than give advice. Ultimately, the choice is up to the mother, BUT it should be an informed decision. And that's the tricky part!
❓ Was she given appropriate information and support on breastfeeding?
❓ Does she understand all the benefits, not just for the baby but for herself as well?
❓ Does she know the possible consequences of her options?
❓ Is she able to make this choice freely and confidently?
There is help and support available from midwives, health visitors, peer supporters, helplines, websites, and support groups. Use them! I hope you all get the information you need to make an informed choice.
To all the mums-to-be who may feel anxious about breastfeeding - it's completely normal to have worries. Breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural way to feed your baby, and like any new experience, it may come with challenges. With patience, support, and the right guidance, you can overcome those challenges. You're stronger than you think. 💪 Trust in yourself and in the process. Remember that you're not alone on this journey. ☺There are countless resources, from lactation consultants to support groups, and of course other mums ready to help you along the way. 🧡
Are you breastfeeding already? Did you know the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends breastfeeding a child for at least two years? By the age of two, a baby's immune system is only half developed. Continuing breastfeeding provides extra protection from infections as they encounter new germs. Mums, however long you choose to breastfeed is a decision for you and your child alone. There will always be people who ask, "Will you be breastfeeding forever?" (I've been asked something along these lines and it hurts me a lot) or "When are you stopping?". Follow your instincts. Go ahead and breastfeed beyond babyhood if you wish to do so. DO WHAT FEELS RIGHT FOR YOU AND YOUR CHILD.
Next time someone asks why not say 'I don't know how long'. And if you need a back up here's what the NHS says about breastfeeding older children:
"There's no reason why you should not continue breastfeeding your child into their 2nd year and beyond. You and your toddler can continue to enjoy the benefits of breastfeeding for as long as you want to."
Kind words from the mums about the breastfeeding photoshoot at National Trust Croome
🧡"It was amazing! Thank you so much for inviting me. It was so lovely to meet all the BFing mums and hear all their stories. It is a wonderful thing you have done."
🧡"I really can't thank you enough for the photos, I absolutely love them, they are so special. The whole experience was fantastic. "
🧡"It was wonderful to connect with everyone during the individual feeding photoshoots. The blankets were perfect for the babies to lay on whilst the Mothers talked and got to know each other and the shade of the trees kept us all cool."
🧡"You honestly did a brilliant job pulling it all together, and you should be proud of yourself absolutely."
🧡"I really loved being able to meet new people and other breastfeeding mums and sharing this amazing journey."
🧡"You created such a wonderful event...feel proud!"
🧡"You did amazing at the shoot and made everyone feel welcome. Such an honour to be part of the day."
🧡"The photos are absolutely beautiful. I hope you are pleased with the group photos too they are breathtaking and really powerful!! Biggest thank you for the individual ones too such a special moment to treasure. "
🧡"I thoroughly enjoyed the event, it was very empowering and emotional hearing everyone's individual feeding journeys during the introductions and the relaxation/meditation with Zoe was special. So often as Mothers self care isn't prioritised, so to have those few moments of calm and connection led by Zoe was very appreciated and really added to the day."
🧡"I am struggling to express in word how grateful I am for these photos & the experience. "
🧡 "Amazing day still on a high!"
🧡"Thank you so so much for allowing us to be a part of the day - we had a lovely morning with you all. I really enjoyed meeting the other mums too and have been to a new baby class following the event recommended by a mum I met there."
Thank you for your kind words, Mums! They mean more than you can imagine.
I hope these photos will help raise awareness about breastfeeding, encourage future mums to breastfeed their babies, and support those who are already breastfeeding to continue for longer and in public places. The photos will be donated to the host, NT Croome, NHS, and other breastfeeding organisations and charities.
I'm really proud of the experience and the photos we created. Thank you to all the wonderful mums for allowing me to do this, for being so kind and supportive. It was more than I could have wished for, and I'm incredibly thankful for everyone’s time, encouraging words, effort, fantastic communication, and beautiful smiles.
A special thanks to my parents-in-law for taking care of my son all day, helping me make my dream come true, and for watching him again during the several days I spent editing afterwards.

Thank you to NT Croome ( for hosting us and being so supportive from the first email. It felt right to hold the event there from the start, and I'm grateful to help you be seen as a breastfeeding-friendly place.
Photos I took at Croome before the photoshoot.
Will there be another group breastfeeding photoshoot? Of course! In 2025 though!
Different location, different season!
P.S. I’m also preparing special Mummy & Me sessions to celebrate the unique bond between mothers and their children, whether they breastfeed or not. These will be 30-minute outdoor sessions at one of the picturesque locations around Worcester. Interested?